Well we are seeing more and more new players asking and playing POP TENNIS/Paddle Tennis,alot because of the GREAT media coverage Ken Lindner has been getting for the sport,,but a lot of the old school Paddle Tennis pLayers are still asking whats is PoP Tennis-well its Paddle Tennis without the Bucket Line,,and as most regular players know we here in Venice beach can Play both versions and enjoy both…It does seem less confusing for Newbies to play the NO BUCKET-POP TENNIS RULES,,but as we gain players to our courts I feel that we will not lose the Bucket Style play,,,,,NOW on another note for all the PLayers that have heard so much about the NEW SPORT OF PICKLEBALL-its been around since the mid 1960s and Across the USA has a much larger Playership than POP/Paddle Tennis,I want to let you folks know about the FREE PICKLEBALL clinics held on Tuesday and Thursday morning at Venice Beach from aprox,8am till noon,,so if you want to pick up a new sport that is very similar to Pop/Paddle Tennis come check out Pickleball—-IT is my feeling that we need to integrate these 2 fun paddle sports and GROW them together-they can very easily be played on the same court with minor court adjustments,,and across the USA there are 10 to 1 ratio of more pickleball courts than Pop/Paddle Tennis courts so the chance of finding a Pop/Paddle court in the Midwest are not very good, there is a very good chance you will find Pickleball–THIS is not a competition were Pickleball vs Paddle/Pop it a chance for Both sports to find new players for their sport
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